Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Run Selenium Tests on Cloud

Selenium IDE is an Integrated Development Environment for record, playback and debug selenium test scripts. As Selenium IDE is implemented as a Firefox add-on, it only works with Firefox. To run selenium IDE test scripts across multiple environments, we have to go through many configurations which needs many headaches.

To remove all these limitations and headaches, Sauce Labs has introduced Sauce Builder. Here are some important features about Sauce Builder :-

  1. Provides features like record, playback and debugging of selenium tests.
  2. Selenium 1 and 2 compatible.
  3. Run selenium tests in local browser and Sauce onDemand.
  4. Video and screen shots of every selenium tests.

Sauce Builder installation guide :-

Sauce Builder comes as a Firefox extension. Here are some to install it into your system :-

  1. Launch Firefox and navigate to the  Sauce Builder download page .
  2. Download Sauce Builder from this page and install.
  3. Restart Firefox.
  4. Open Sauce Builder by choosing Launch Sauce Builder item from the Tools menu of Firefox or press Ctrl+Alt+B from the keyboard.

For more information on Sauce Builder visit :